How to Lubricate Treadmill Rollers: A Step-by-Step Guide to Keep Your Treadmill Running Smoothly (2023-2024)

Treadmills are a fantastic way to stay active and maintain a healthy lifestyle without leaving the comfort of your home. Whether you’re an avid runner or simply use your treadmill for daily walks, regular maintenance is essential to keep your machine running smoothly and extending its lifespan. One crucial yet often overlooked aspect of treadmill maintenance is lubricating the rollers. Lubricated rollers ensure that the belt moves effortlessly, reducing friction and preventing wear and tear on your treadmill’s motor and other components.

In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of how to lubricate treadmill rollers, helping you maintain the optimal performance of your treadmill for years to come.

Why Lubricate Treadmill Rollers?

Before diving into the lubrication process, let’s understand why lubricating treadmill rollers is essential:

  • Friction Reduction: The rollers are a critical part of your treadmill’s belt system. Without proper lubrication, the belt can create excessive friction against the rollers, leading to overheating and potential damage.
  • Belt Longevity: Lubricated rollers extend the lifespan of your treadmill belt. When the belt glides smoothly over the rollers, it experiences less wear and tear, reducing the need for costly replacements.
  • Motor Efficiency: A well-lubricated belt puts less strain on the treadmill’s motor, improving energy efficiency and reducing the risk of motor burnout.
  • Smooth Performance: Lubrication ensures that your treadmill operates quietly and smoothly, enhancing your workout experience.

Now that you understand the importance of lubricating treadmill rollers, let’s explore the step-by-step guide to get it done.

How to Lubricate Treadmill Rollers: (Step-by-Step Guide)

1. Gather Your Supplies:

Before you begin with the guide on how to lubricate treadmill rollers, ensure you have the following supplies ready:

  • Treadmill lubricant (usually silicone-based)
  • Screwdriver (Phillips head)
  • A clean cloth or rag
  • A treadmill brush (optional)
  • Gloves (optional)

2. Safety First:

Always prioritize safety. Before working on your treadmill, unplug it from the power source to avoid any accidental activation during maintenance.

3. Locate the Rollers:

You will need to access the treadmill’s rollers for lubrication. Depending on your treadmill model, this might require removing the motor cover. Refer to your treadmill’s user manual for guidance on accessing the rollers.

4. Clean the Rollers:

Using a clean cloth or treadmill brush, gently remove any dust, dirt, or debris from the rollers and the area surrounding them. This step is crucial as it ensures that no particles interfere with the lubrication process.

5. Apply Lubricant:

Check the manufacturer’s guidelines to determine the recommended lubricant for your treadmill. Silicone-based treadmill lubricants are a common choice. Apply a small amount of lubricant evenly along the length of each roller. Be cautious not to over-lubricate, as excess lubricant can lead to belt slippage.

6. Rotate the Belt:

After applying the lubricant, manually rotate the treadmill belt to ensure that the lubricant spreads evenly across the rollers. This step helps distribute the lubricant and prevents concentrated buildup.

7. Reassemble:

If you had to remove the motor cover or any other components to access the rollers, reassemble them following the manufacturer’s instructions.

8. Plug-In and Test:

Reconnect your treadmill to the power source and turn it on. Allow it to run at a low speed for a few minutes to help evenly distribute the lubricant across the rollers.

9. Check the Tension:

While the treadmill is running, observe the belt’s tension. It should be taut but not overly tight. Adjust the belt tension if necessary, following your treadmill’s user manual.

10. Wipe Excess Lubricant:

After testing, use a clean cloth to wipe off any excess lubricant from the rollers and the belt. Excess lubricant can attract dust and debris, which can affect the treadmill’s performance.

11. Regular Maintenance:

Make lubricating treadmill rollers a part of your regular maintenance routine. The frequency of lubrication may vary depending on usage, so consult your treadmill’s user manual for specific recommendations. As a general guideline, lubricate the rollers every three to six months, or sooner if you notice any belt slippage or unusual noises.

Related Guide: How to Lubricate a Nail Gun for Woodworking: A Step-by-Step Guide (2023-2024)

Additional Tips for Treadmill Maintenance

  • Keep It Clean: Regularly clean the treadmill’s belt, deck, and surrounding areas to prevent dirt and dust buildup.
  • Inspect for Wear: Periodically check the treadmill belt for signs of wear, such as fraying or cracking. Replace the belt if necessary.
  • Monitor Belt Tension: Ensure that the treadmill belt is correctly tensioned. A loose belt can slip, while an overly tight one can damage the motor.
  • Avoid Overloading: Stay within your treadmill’s weight limit, as overloading it can strain the motor and other components.
  • Use a Treadmill Mat: Placing a treadmill mat underneath your machine can protect your floor and reduce dust and debris intake.
  • Professional Maintenance: Consider scheduling professional maintenance if you’re unsure about any aspect of treadmill care or if you notice significant issues.


1. What parts of a treadmill need lubrication?

The most obvious places are the pivot points and the belt. If you’re not sure where to start, read on to learn how to lubricate your treadmill. After lubricating the belt, you need to reassemble the machine. Then, remove any tangled cords and loose parts.

2. Can I use Vaseline to lubricate the treadmill?

Never use WD40, 3 In One Oil, Vaseline, or any non-approved treadmill belt lubricant. 

3. What happens if I don’t lube my treadmill?

Applying treadmill lubricant to your machine reduces friction between the belt and the walking deck When you don’t regularly lubricate the belt, the risk of your treadmill becoming damaged is significantly higher. You could prematurely wear out the deck and belt causing a major problem for your treadmill.


Regularly lubricating your treadmill rollers is a simple yet crucial step in maintaining the longevity and performance of your treadmill. By following this step-by-step guide on how to lubricate treadmill rollers and incorporating it into your regular maintenance routine, you can enjoy smooth, efficient, and safe workouts for years to come. Remember to consult your treadmill’s user manual for manufacturer-specific guidelines and recommendations, and always prioritize safety by disconnecting the power source before performing any maintenance.

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