Can You Mix Synthetic Oil with Regular Oil? Exploring the Pros and Cons (2023-2024)

When it comes to motor oil, choosing the right type is crucial for the optimal performance and longevity of your engine. One common question that arises is whether it’s possible that can you mix synthetic oil with regular oil. While it is technically possible, there are important factors to consider before deciding to mix the two.

In this article, we will delve into the topic of mixing synthetic oil with regular oil, exploring the pros and cons to help you make an informed decision.

Motor Oil and Its Purpose

Before we delve into the specifics of mixing synthetic and regular oil, it’s important to understand the role of motor oil in your vehicle. Motor oil serves multiple purposes, such as lubricating the moving parts of the engine to reduce friction and prevent overheating.

Additionally, it helps filter out deposits and contaminants, ensuring that your engine runs smoothly and remains clean.

Different Types of Motor Oil

To fully grasp the implications of mixing synthetic oil with regular oil, it’s essential to familiarize ourselves with the various types of motor oil available. While the question of mixing oil may imply a binary choice, there are four basic varieties of motor oil:

  • Conventional or Regular Motor Oil: Derived from crude oil, conventional motor oil is commonly used in vehicles with simple engine designs.
  • Synthetic Motor Oil: Synthetic motor oil is chemically engineered, resulting in uniform molecules that contain fewer impurities compared to conventional oil.
  • Synthetic Blend Motor Oil: As the name suggests, synthetic blend motor oil is a mixture of synthetic and conventional oils. It offers improved resistance to oxidation and rust, making it a popular choice for extreme weather conditions.
  • High-Mileage Motor Oil: Formulated specifically for vehicles with over 75,000 miles, high-mileage oil helps reduce oil burn-off and leaks.

Each type of oil has its unique properties and is scientifically formulated to cater to specific engine requirements. Mixing these oils will not enhance engine performance or oil quality.

Can You Mix Synthetic Oil with Regular Oil?

The Pros and Cons of Mixing Synthetic Oil with Regular Oil

Now that we have a better understanding of motor oil and its different types, let’s explore the pros and cons of mixing synthetic oil with regular oil.

Pros of Mixing Synthetic Oil with Regular Oil

  • Emergency Top-Off: In certain situations where you need to top off your oil and only have access to a different type of oil, mixing synthetic oil with regular oil as a temporary solution can be acceptable. However, it’s crucial to use the oil weight recommended in your owner’s manual.

Cons of Mixing Synthetic Oil with Regular Oil

  • Diminished Benefits: Mixing synthetic oil with regular oil can dilute the advantages of synthetic oil, potentially leading to reduced engine protection. Synthetic oil is generally more expensive than regular oil, making it less cost-effective when mixed.
  • No Performance Enhancement: Mixing oils does not improve engine performance or oil quality. Each type of oil is formulated to meet specific requirements, and mixing them does not enhance their individual properties.

Considering these factors, it is advisable to avoid mixing synthetic oil with regular oil as a regular practice.

Can You Switch Between Motor Oil Brands?

While the focus of this article is primarily on synthetic and regular oil, it’s worth addressing whether it’s possible to mix different brands of engine oil. Generally, it is safe to mix different brands of motor oil as long as they have the same recommended viscosity (or weight) as specified in your vehicle owner’s manual.

Mixing brands should not harm your engine, but it’s always best to adhere to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Switching Between Motor Oil Types

Contrary to a common myth, switching between synthetic and regular oil is not a problem. However, it’s important to refer to your vehicle owner’s manual for the recommended viscosity of the oil to use. Failure to follow manufacturer recommendations can lead to engine damage and potential voiding of your vehicle’s warranty.

If you have any doubts or cannot find the manual, consult a professional technician for guidance.

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The Importance of Regular Oil Changes

While temporary mixing of synthetic and regular oil may be acceptable in certain situations, it’s essential to prioritize regular oil changes for your vehicle’s overall health and longevity. An oil change is an opportunity to replace the old and contaminated oil with fresh oil that meets the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Choosing the Right Motor Oil during an Oil Change

When you bring your vehicle to a trusted service center like Jiffy Lube®, their trained technicians will assess your driving habits and vehicle needs to recommend the most suitable motor oil for your specific requirements. Factors such as driving conditions, mileage, and the type of trips you take will be taken into consideration.

During an oil change, the technician will:

  • Safely dispose of the used oil and replace it with new oil that meets the manufacturer’s recommendations for type, weight, and volume.
  • Replace the old oil filter with a fresh, clean one to ensure optimal filtration.
  • Top off vital fluids such as transmission, power steering, differential/transfer case, and washer fluid.
  • Provide additional services like interior vacuuming and exterior window cleaning.


1. What happens when you mix synthetic oil with regular oil?

Adding synthetic oil to regular motor oil will not enhance the regular oil. Mixing regular motor oil with synthetic oil may dilute the benefits of the costlier synthetic oil.

2. What happens if you mix 2 different engine oils?

Broadly speaking, mixing engine oils will not damage your vehicle’s engine. However, it’s worth noting that if you are thinking about doing so, it’s best to match the viscosity of both oils as closely as possible. Engine oils are graded by viscosity and defined by the temperature at which they best operate.

3. Why can’t you go back to regular oil after synthetic?

Once you switch to synthetic oil, you can never switch back. This is one of the most persistent myths about synthetic oil and is completely untrue. You can switch back and forth at any time. Synthetic blends are simply a mixture of synthetic and conventional oils.

4. What is the disadvantage of synthetic oil?

Multi-grade motor oils using synthetics may exhibit slightly less fuel economy at highway speeds compared to mineral oil. The oil could leak out of old engines with loose seals and gaskets. This is due to lower pour points and flowing characteristics even at low temperatures.


While it is possible to mix synthetic oil with regular oil in certain situations, it is not recommended as a regular practice. Each type of oil is formulated to cater to specific engine requirements, and mixing them can dilute the benefits of synthetic oil while not improving regular oil performance. It is always best to adhere to the manufacturer’s recommendations for oil type and viscosity to ensure optimal engine protection and performance.

Regular oil changes using the recommended oil type are essential for maintaining the health and longevity of your vehicle’s engine. When in doubt, consult a professional technician who can provide expert advice based on your specific vehicle and driving habits.

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