Can You Mix High Mileage Oil with Regular Oil? What You Need to Know (2023-2024)

Engine oil is a crucial component in maintaining the health and longevity of your car’s engine. As a responsible car owner, changing the engine oil regularly is a must-do task. But when it comes to choosing the right type of engine oil, you may have questions about high mileage oil and regular oil. Can you mix high mileage oil with regular oil?

In this article, we will explore the differences between these two types of engine oil, their benefits, and whether “Can you mix high mileage oil with regular oil”.

What is High Mileage Oil?

High mileage oil is like a multivitamin for your car’s engine. It is specifically designed for vehicles with more than 75,000 miles on the odometer. This type of oil helps to restore worn engine parts and reduce oil consumption, smoke, and emissions from older engines.

While high mileage oil is recommended for high mileage cars, it can also be used in vehicles with fewer miles without causing any harm.

Benefits of High Mileage Oil

High mileage oil offers several benefits for your car’s engine. Firstly, it helps to prevent engine parts from decaying and breaking down. Over time, engines can accumulate sludge, which can lead to performance issues. High mileage oil is formulated to decompose and dissolve this sludge, ensuring a clean and well-lubricated engine.

Additionally, high mileage oil rejuvenates degraded engine seals, reducing oil consumption and smoke. This improved seal function also contributes to better fuel efficiency. By using high mileage oil, you can extend the life of your engine and enjoy smoother performance.

When Should You Switch to High Mileage Oil?

If you are wondering when it’s time to switch to high mileage oil, there are a few signs to look out for. Firstly, if your car has already crossed the 75,000-mile mark, it’s a good indication that you should consider using high mileage oil.

Additionally, if you notice engine oil on the ground where you park your car, oil streaks under the lower engine parts, or if your car sounds louder than usual, it may be time to switch to high mileage oil.

These signs suggest that your engine components are starting to loosen and decay, and high mileage oil can help mitigate further damage.

What is Regular Oil?

Regular oil, also known as mineral oil, is the standard engine oil used in most vehicles. It is typically made from refined crude oil and provides the necessary lubrication for the engine. Regular oil can be either petroleum-based or synthetic, with synthetic oil offering better performance and longevity.

While regular oil is suitable for most vehicles, it lacks the specific additives and properties of high mileage oil.

High Mileage Oil Vs Regular Oil

The main difference between high mileage oil and regular oil lies in their intended use and formulation. High mileage oil is designed to address the specific needs of engines with over 75,000 miles. It contains unique compounds that help restore worn engine parts, seal swells, and provide enhanced lubrication. High mileage oil is more durable and retains its viscosity for longer periods, allowing for extended oil change intervals.

Regular oil, on the other hand, is designed for general engine lubrication and protection. It does not have the same additives and properties as high mileage oil.

Related Guide: Can You Mix Synthetic Oil with Regular Oil? Exploring the Pros and Cons (2023-2024)

Can You Mix High Mileage Oil with Regular Oil?

When it comes to choosing the right type of engine oil, you may have questions about high mileage oil and regular oil. Can you mix high mileage oil with regular oil?

Yes, you can mix high mileage oil with regular oil without causing harm to your engine. However, it is generally recommended to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and use the specified oil for your vehicle. Mixing different types of oil may impact the overall performance and effectiveness of the oil. It’s important to consider the following factors before mixing high mileage oil with regular oil:

  • Manufacturer’s Manual: Always refer to the manufacturer’s manual to determine the recommended type of oil for your specific vehicle. Using the wrong oil can have long-term consequences for your engine.
  • Impact on Performance: Mixing high mileage oil with regular oil may not provide any additional benefits and could potentially negate the advantages of the more expensive high-mileage oil. It is essential to evaluate whether the mixture will deliver the desired results.
  • Cost Considerations: If the mixed oil ends up performing like regular oil, it may result in wasted money. Consider the cost implications before deciding to mix high-mileage oil with regular oil.

While mixing high mileage oil with regular oil is generally safe in the short term, it is advisable to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for long-term engine health.


1. What happens if you mix high mileage oil with regular oil?

The components in both synthetic and conventional oil are chemically compatible, and mixing them won’t harm your engine outright. However, this doesn’t mean it’s a practice you should make a habit of.

2. Is there a difference between regular and high mileage oil?

The main difference between regular motor oils and high mileage ones is typically in the additives that have the task of minimizing the roughness on the engine’s metal surfaces by filling the tiny microscopic cracks thus creating smoother mechanical surfaces.

3. Can high mileage oil damage an engine?

Using a high mileage oil in a new vehicle would be ill-advised since no manufacturer recommends this type of oil for a new vehicle. Would it harm your engine? Most likely not, but it would be better to adhere to what is specified in the owner’s manual, at least until the warranty has expired.

4. At what mileage should I use high mileage oil?

High mileage oil is typically beneficial for vehicles with more than 75,000 miles on the odometer. Because engine seals can deteriorate over time regardless of mileage, older vehicles with fewer miles on them can also benefit.


Choosing the right engine oil for your car is crucial for maintaining its performance and longevity. While high mileage oil is specifically designed for vehicles with over 75,000 miles. But can you mix high mileage oil with regular oil? Yes! it can be safely mixed with regular oil without immediate harm to the engine.

However, it is important to consider the manufacturer’s guidelines, potential impacts on performance, and cost implications before deciding to mix oils. To ensure the best results, it’s always recommended to consult the manufacturer’s manual and adhere to their recommendations.

By taking care of your engine with the right oil, you can enjoy a smooth and reliable driving experience for years to come.

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