
White Lithium Grease for Skateboard Bearings (2023-2024)? Explained!

Skateboarding is not just a sport; it’s a way of life for many enthusiasts. Whether you’re a seasoned skateboarder or just starting, you know that the performance of your skateboard depends on various factors, including your bearings. Bearings are the tiny yet essential components that allow your skateboard wheels to spin freely. To keep your bearings in top shape, one of the best solutions is white lithium grease.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the world of skateboard bearings, why white lithium grease for skateboard bearings is a game-changer, how to apply it, and tips for maintaining optimal skateboard performance.

The Role of Bearings in Skateboarding

Bearings: Small but Mighty

Skateboard bearings are small, donut-shaped components that fit inside the wheel’s core. They are responsible for reducing friction between the wheel and the axle, allowing the wheel to spin freely. Bearings are typically rated using the ABEC (Annular Bearing Engineers’ Committee) scale, which measures the precision and tolerance of the bearing’s construction. While ABEC ratings are essential, skateboarders often prioritize other factors, such as durability and speed, over high ABEC ratings.

The Impact of Bearings on Skateboard Performance

The performance of your skateboard, from speed to maneuverability, relies heavily on the quality and condition of your bearings. Well-maintained bearings can provide a smoother ride, faster speeds, and better overall control. Neglected or damaged bearings, on the other hand, can lead to sluggish rides, reduced control, and unnecessary wear on other skateboard components.

Why Choose White Lithium Grease for Skateboard Bearings

What Is White Lithium Grease?

White lithium grease is a versatile lubricant known for its excellent properties in various applications. It is a multi-purpose grease that contains a thickening agent (lithium soap) and a base oil, often mineral or synthetic oil. It is recognized by its white appearance, making it easy to identify. White lithium grease is prized for its ability to withstand extreme temperatures, resist moisture and corrosion, and maintain its viscosity over time.

Advantages of White Lithium Grease for Skateboard Bearings

White lithium grease offers several advantages that make it an ideal choice for skateboard bearings:

  • Temperature Tolerance: It can endure a wide range of temperatures without losing its lubricating properties, making it suitable for skateboarding in various weather conditions.
  • Water and Moisture Resistance: White lithium grease forms a protective barrier that repels moisture, preventing rust and corrosion in your bearings.
  • Long-Lasting Lubrication: It adheres well to surfaces and maintains its viscosity, reducing the frequency of reapplication.
  • Versatility: It is compatible with various materials commonly found in skateboard bearings, such as steel and nylon.

How to Apply White Lithium Grease to Skateboard Bearings

Cleaning Your Bearings

Before applying white lithium grease to your skateboard bearings, it’s crucial to start with clean bearings. Here’s how to clean them:

  • Remove the wheels from your skateboard, exposing the bearings.
  • Use a skate tool or wrench to carefully pop the bearings out of the wheel’s core.
  • Place the bearings on a clean surface, like a paper towel.
  • Use a bearing cleaner or a small container filled with a bearing cleaning solvent (such as acetone) to soak the bearings.
  • Swirl the bearings gently to remove dirt, dust, and old lubricant.
  • Use a bearing cleaning kit or a small brush to scrub any remaining residue from the bearings.
  • Allow the bearings to air dry completely before proceeding.

Applying White Lithium Grease

Once your bearings are clean, follow these steps to apply white lithium grease:

  • Place a small amount of white lithium grease on a clean, disposable surface, such as a piece of cardboard or plastic lid.
  • Hold one bearing by the outer race (the outer ring) and use a thin tool, like a paperclip or needle, to apply a small amount of grease to the inner race (the inner ring with the balls).
  • Rotate the bearing gently to distribute the grease evenly across the balls and inner race.
  • Repeat the process for the other side of the bearing.
  • Reassemble your bearing by carefully placing the balls back into the race.
  • Press the bearing back into the wheel’s core, ensuring it sits flush.

Reassembling Your Skateboard

After applying white lithium grease to all your bearings and reassembling them into your skateboard wheels, it’s time to reattach the wheels to your trucks. Use a skate tool to secure the nuts and bolts properly, ensuring your wheels spin freely but without any wobble. It’s important not to overtighten, as this can cause unnecessary stress on your bearings.

Maintaining Your Skateboard Bearings

Regular Cleaning and Reapplication

Maintaining your skateboard bearings is an ongoing process. Regularly clean and reapply white lithium grease to keep your bearings in optimal condition. How often you should do this depends on factors like how frequently you skate and the conditions you skate in. As a general rule, inspect your bearings every few months and clean and lubricate them as needed.

Signs of Bearing Wear

Keep an eye out for signs that your bearings may need maintenance or replacement:

  • Reduced Speed: If your skateboard feels slower than usual, even with adequate effort, it might be time to clean and lubricate your bearings.
  • Increased Noise: Unusual grinding or squeaking sounds while riding can indicate bearing wear.
  • Uneven Wheel Spin: If one or more wheels spin less freely than the rest, it’s a sign of potential bearing issues.
  • Visible Rust or Corrosion: Any visible rust or corrosion on your bearings should be addressed promptly.

Replacing Bearings When Necessary

While regular maintenance can prolong the life of your bearings, there may come a time when replacement is necessary. If your bearings are damaged, excessively worn, or simply not performing as they should, invest in a new set of high-quality bearings to ensure a smooth ride.

Related Guide: A Comprehensive Guide to Classification of Lubricants (2023-2024)


Skateboarding is all about freedom, and nothing feels better than a smooth, effortless ride. Your skateboard bearings are essential to achieving that feeling. By understanding the role of bearings, the advantages of white lithium grease for skateboard bearings, and the proper maintenance techniques, you can keep your skateboard in top shape and enjoy countless hours of smooth, exhilarating rides.

So, don’t overlook the small yet mighty bearings on your skateboard as they’re the key to unlocking the true potential of your ride.

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